Smith machine benefits + 6 full body exercises | MuscleSquad

icon Jun 01, 2023 - Think Shaw

Smith machine benefits + 6 full body exercises

What is a smith machine?

A smith machine is a piece of equipment that consists of a barbell fixed to a pair of steel rails, allowing for vertical movement only. The barbell can be locked at different heights by engaging the bar's hooks into regular grooves on the rails. This allows the smith machine to provide a stable and safe way to perform different movement patterns like squats, presses and lunges.

Pictured: MuscleSquad Multi-Functional Trainer with Smith Machine

What are the benefits of using a smith machine?

Increased safety

Because the smith machine is fixed to the metal rails, the risk of the bar tipping as it could with free weights is eliminated. Not only this, but because of the multiple hooks to re-rack the bar, you can safely push yourself to failure without the need of a spotter.

Increased stability

The smith machine moves on a fixed plane of motion. Therefore, it provides more stability than free weights. More stability is going to allow you to produce more force, which is key if the goal is to increase strength or build muscle.

More controlled movements

Because the bar is fixed, movements on the smith machine tend to be more controlled which is perfect for beginners who need to focus on their form. It also provides a great alternative for those who may be recovering from injuries.


The smith machine can be used for a variety of exercises, including squats, presses, lunges, rows and more. This versatility can be helpful for individuals who have limited space and want to maximize their workout options.

Here are 6 exercises you can perform on a smith machine for a full body workout:

Bench Press (chest, triceps and shoulders)

Lying flat on a bench, make sure the bar of the smith machine lines up with the lower part of your chest. Bring the bar all the way down to your chest slowly, then explode up to complete a rep.

Bench Press Smith Machine Gif

Squats (quads and glutes)

Place the bar across your shoulders, resting it on your traps. Make sure to hold the bar tight. Squat down, getting as much depth/knee bend as you can and then stand up as quickly as you can.

Squat Smith Machine Gif

Reverse Lunges (quads and glutes)

Place the bar across your shoulders, resting it on your traps. Lunge back with either your right or left leg first, bringing the knee as low to the ground as you can. Stand back up and alternate legs with each rep.

Reverse Lunge Smith Machine Gif

Upright Row (shoulders and back)

Start with the bar at the bottom of the smith machine. Place your hands just narrower than shoulder width apart and drive upwards, flaring the elbows wide as you do. Lower the bar slowly and repeat.

Upright Row Smith Machine Gif

Bent-Over Row (back)

Lean forward until your back is almost parallel with the ground while keeping the spine straight. Pull the bar towards your belly button, then bring it down slowly. Keep your posture the same throughout the set.

Bent Over Row Smith Machine Gif

Romanian Deadlift (glutes and hamstrings)

Start with the bar at hip height with your hands shoulder width apart on the bar. Push your hips back as you travel down, feeling a slight stretch in the hamstrings and glutes. Come up and bring the hips forward quickly.

Romanian Deadlift Smith Machine Gif

As we think you'll see by now, the smith machine is extremely versatile and a champion for isolating muscles, rehabbing injuries and getting new lifters familiar with barbell exercises. It's a great addition to a gym setting and well worth adding to your workouts if you've been training religiously with a barbell for a while now. 

Check out our bestselling Multi-Functional Rack with smith machine to bring that element to your home gym.

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